Sunday, April 22, 2012

Meet Trans-African Cyclist Peter Gostelow

My wife and I hosted trans-African British cyclist Peter Gostelow two years ago as he was traveling through Senegal.  Peter stopped in Dakar and spoke to several classes at the International School.  He stayed with us for about six-weeks, during which time we got to know him quite well.  The following summer I visited with his mum in the UK, with whom I went prospecting in the famous fossil beds of Lyme Regis.

You'll find a blog entry and video clips of his visit to Dakar here.

This is Peter's second trans-continental cycling tour, having peddled 50,000 km from Japan to the UK, through India, the Middle East, and North Africa, in 2003.

Aside from the love of culture and adventure cycling, Peter's fundraising for the Against Malaria Foundation.

You'll find Peter's website here.

The good news is that we hope to rendezvous with Peter via Skype upcoming in the next couple of weeks.  Stay tuned!