Thursday, September 29, 2011

Explore & Discover: Extending Cross-Cultural Novels Using ChromeCart Laptops

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We're taking advantage of the new computer cart and recent installation of our own network router (allowing for quicker connectivity) to explore ideas associated with our four novels, each containing a load of cross-cultural references, from 12th century Korean kick wheels and wood-fired pottery kilns (A Single Shard), traditional Japanese puppetry (The Master Puppeteer), Chinese dynasties and Land of the Golden Mountain (Dragonwings), to Chinese New Years and the Chinese Zodiac (In the Year of the Boar and Jackie Robinson).

Students were provided sample topics to investigate, though, eventually, keeping with the PYP, they will be expected to themselves identify topics to investigate, based upon their reading and discussions within their book groups.

Teams document their investigations on a form, which asks them to identify both what they're exploring, and what they're discovering.