Friday, April 20, 2012

Prezi Shapes Thinking & Planning 4.19

Karli has chosen to present her Explorer Project in the form of a Prezi, and this image is what she has created as an overall organizer.  The unique thing about Prezi is that it lays out slides in two dimensional space, as you see from Karli's sketch.  Karli then determines the path by which the viewer will move around the image, panning here, zooming in or out there. Unlike PowerPoint or Google Presentation, which consists of a stack of slides, Prezi is more like driving a car across an image landscape.  Karli's sketch was an interesting example of what we might refer to as spatial thinking, or thinking in space.  It is the first time I've observed a student planning in this way, and it reveals a little about Karli and how she thinks.