Thursday, April 26, 2012

Project Block 4.26

With the Explorer Project coming due next week, students are designing and composing slides, and following-up on final questions.

The availability of the Chromebooks have changed the way students at ISM conduct independent research. Next year, we'll take it all a step further by eliminating the need for bound composition books altogether, replaced with on-line student blogs.  Routine journal writes and guided compositions will be uploaded to their personal blogs rather than printed on paper.  While we'll not have an entirely paperless classroom, we will take a step forward towards that goal.

Every year brings new leaps in technology.  For me, returning to the States each summer from West Africa, I particularly noticed the fantastic increases in storage capacity, and the price of terabyte-size harddrives.  Now, for the first time in my career, two students are carrying Kindles.  One has downloaded our current novel, The Captain's Dog, to her Kindle (for a much reduced price).  Impressive.